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Neoserra FAQ Search

Have a burning question? Browse our listing of frequently asked Neoserra questions by topic to see if others have had the same question. You may find that quick answer or those exact step-by-step instructions you're looking for.

If you'd like to browse the titles of the below FAQ articles, begin typing a keyword or phrase in the field below and the grouping of articles will narrow as you type. If you'd like to search the contents of the below FAQ articles for a particular keyword or phrase, click the Search field. Search results are displayed in a new browser window.


Neoserra Interface

How do I save, delete, check for duplicates and validate address in Neoserra?

How do I set my personal preferences such as language, time zone and layout of my Neoserra interface?

How do I access the activity summary pie charts (i.e. graphs) on the Neoserra home page?

How can I access my Active, Open or Bid Match Clients as well as my Intake/Training Requests?

How do I find all my long-term clients with 5 (or almost 5) hours of counseling?

What is a DLA Active Client?

How can I manage my clients appointments using the Neoserra calendar?

What is the Message Center and when does a message appear in the Message Center?

Does Neoserra support Unicode text such as Chinese or Arabic characters?


Client and Contact Information

How do I create a new client in Neoserra?

How do I track Jobs Created and Jobs Retained?

How do I attach a top-level sticky note to my client record?

How can I create a sticky note (aka Post-it Note) to my client record?

How do I collaborate with my colleagues?

How is the county and/or congressional district data updated?

How does Neoserra track HUD and HHS poverty levels based upon household income?

How do I search for my clients, contacts, counselors and/or pending requests?

How does the contact/company duplicate check feature work?

How does the Merge feature work?

How can I link one contact to multiple client records when I have a serial entrepreneur?

How do I transfer a client from one center to another?

How do I convert a contact to a client?

What is a pre-client, and how do I convert them to a client?

What is the difference between a reportable session and a non-reportable session?

How do I move a primary contact from one client to another clients?

How do I upload and manage attached documents?

How do I delete a record in Neoserra?

Oops! I accidentally deleted a record. Can I restore it?


Counselor and Center Information

How do I create a new counselor or instructor record?

How do I add a picture to my counselor record?

How do I create or edit a center record?

What is a stakeholder center and how can I use it to track my stakeholders and/or resource partners?

How do I add a center's logo within Neoserra and on eCenter Direct?

How do customize the background of the Neoserra login page?

How do I switch between centers within Neoserra?


Counseling Sessions & Other Client Activity Records

Can I identify which person within a company I worked with during my counseling sessions?

How do I create a Milestone record and have the information be synchronized with the client record?

What is the Professional Development activity record (aka Accelerator Training Log)?

What data entry checks does Neoserra perform when I create a session?

What is the Funding Source field for, and what is a Sub-funding Source field?

Can I include an attachment in my email message sent from Neoserra?

How do I send an email to my active clients?

How can I send a Spanish-language email to my Spanish speaking clients?

How do I send an email to my clients from Neoserra and automatically create a counseling session?

When I send an email message from Neoserra how can I allow my clients to opt-out and unsubscribe from future emails?

How do I send a separate email to each of my clients using the BCC field?

How do I send an email from my default email application (using the postbox email address) and create a counseling session?

How can I use postbox feature and create an inquiry session?

How to add a link to your logo in your signature block in a third-party email application?

How to customize the list of Areas of Counseling?

How do I create a batch of counseling sessions (en masse)?

What is the difference between client time and counselor time?

How do I create a new capital funding record for my client?

My email address and/or phone number have changed, what changes do I need to make in Neoserra?

My email address is wrong in the automatic emails that are sent from eCenter and Neoserra, how do I change it?

What are the substitution variables I can use in emails generated from Neoserra?


Training Events

How do I create a new training event with one or more instructors?

How can I set up a hybrid (in-person and on-line) training event?

How to insert an image in a training event, signature block or email template?

How do I publish a training event on eCenter Direct?

How do I advertise on demand training videos on eCenter Direct that are on-going and don't have a specific date?

How to market and advertise your training event to existing contacts in the database?

How do I enter Training Attendee Demographic information in Neoserra?

How do I create and manage training event attendee lists?

How to export attendee details from the training event record to Excel?

How do I import contacts from my third party event registration system such as Zoom, EventBrite or GoToWebinar?

How do I import clients from my third party event registration system such as Zoom, EventBrite or GoToWebinar?

How can I see all the people (attendees) who have signed up for all my events via eCenter or manually?

How do I send an email to all the members of a training event attendee list?

How do I create and distribute training event surveys?

How do I create a hard-copy, training evaluation form?



What is a filter, and how do I use one in Neoserra?

What are all the special Client filter parameters offered by Neoserra?

What are all the special Contact filter parameters offered by Neoserra?

What is a Quick Report and how do I customize the columns in my filter view?

How do I create a filter to identify all clients that don't have an email address?

How do I create a filter to find all clients with more or less than X hours of counseling?

How can I filter for a keyword in my clients' bid match search profile criteria?

Can I save my filter or share it with other Neoserra users?

What is an underserved community and how can I track it in Neoserra?

How are the read-only fields (such as Opportunity Zone, Rural Area, CDFI, etc.) updated on the Address tab of the client record?

How to track your clients by HUBZone status?

How to display my clients on a visual map using geocoding?

Can I download map data either in a KML or GeoJSON file for use with Google Earth or ArcGIS?


Reporting and Scorecards

How do I run a report in Neoserra?

How do I generate parts I, II, and III of the SBA 641 form?

How do I track all clients who have responded YES to Question 12 in Part I of SBA Counseling Information Form 641?

How do I print Avery mailing labels from Neoserra?

How can I create a custom report, and share it with my friends?

How do I generate a scorecard?

How can I review each line item of my scorecard and see the records that contribute to the line item total?

How do I create a custom scorecard?

How do I scorecard survey questions?

What is a scorecard definition record?

What is a scorecard goal set record?

How do I run a scorecard or a goal set for a group of counselors?

How do I display scorecards on the Neoserra dashboard page?

Understanding America's SBDC Survey Scorecard

Understanding the Economic Impact/Capital Infusion Scorecard (ver. 2018)

Understanding the Economic Impact/Capital Infusion Scorecard (ver. 2023 - DRAFT)

Understanding the APEX Accelerator Performance Metric 1.2 Scorecard

Understanding the APEX Accelerator Goaled Metrics 2.0 Scorecard

Understanding the DLA 1806-T2 (version 2014) Scorecard

Understanding the DLA Non-cumulative 1806 New Client/Hour/Event Information (v.2022) Scorecard

Understanding the DLA Cumulative 1806 Active Client/Award Information (v.2022) Scorecard

Understanding the AWBC Key Performance Indicator Scorecard (v.11.1.17)

Understanding the AWBC Key Performance Indicator Scorecard (ver.2021)

Understanding the International Trade Impact (ver. 2018) Scorecard

Understanding the TAP/EP/California Survey Scorecard

Understanding the Navigator Performance Reporting Requirements (ver. 2021)

Understanding the Wells Fargo Technical Assistance Impact Scorecard (ver. 2021)

Understanding the SSBCI TA Grant Scorecard

Understanding the Counseling Activity Breakdown and the Counseling/Training Activity Breakdown Scorecards

How do I track my data for the Department of Treasury's SSBCI Program?

How do I generate the SSBCI Technical Assistance Annual Performance Spreadsheets?

Understanding the Training Activity Breakdown Scorecard

How can I get my clients express intent to be a client of my program for 1806 purposes?

How do I satisfy the SBA National Impact Survey Requirements (formerly called the Chrisman Survey)?

How do I schedule reports and scorecards?


eCenter Direct

Can you give me an overview how I can customize eCenter Direct?

How do I customize my eCenter Direct settings including my logo?

How do I customize the "Contact Us" listing on eCenter Direct?

How do I customize the text on eCenter Direct?

Are Neoserra and eCenter Direct available in any other languages, such as Spanish?

How do I allow for a bi-lingual (English and Spanish) experience on eCenter Direct?

How do I configure the eCenter Direct left hand menu?

How do I enable new clients to sign up for services from eCenter Direct?

How can I copy my eCenter sign-up settings from one center to another center?

Does eCenter Direct support deep links so that I can link to the right page(s) from my main website?

How can I set up an RSS feed of my training events?

How do I process new sign-ups received from eCenter Direct?

How do I provide my client with helpful hints on the eCenter new client sign-up application?

What milestones are automatically created when a client edits their information on eCenter Direct?

How can I ask my clients to affirm their economic growth and attribute it to my program?

How can my clients proactively affirm their economic growth and attribute it to my program using eCenter Direct?

How do I provide my contacts/clients with their eCenter Direct password?

How do I clear a locked out user on eCenter Direct who did not remember their password?

We are a new Neoserra program, and all our client data was converted, how to I let my clients know about eCenter Direct?

How do I publish a training event on eCenter Direct?

How can I include the company fields on my event registrations on eCenter Direct?

How do I process new contacts entered from eCenter Direct?

Why do I have new contacts entered from eCenter Direct on my home page, but I don't have any events advertised?

How can my client add other contacts belonging to the same company?

What does it mean when I receive a "eCenter Password Reset Failure" message?

How do I create and distribute training event surveys?

How do I create, post and advertise client surveys?

What is a core survey?

How to create a satisfaction survey for APEX Accelerators?

How do the built-in client activity questions available for client surveys work?

How can I identify and then capture a signature from my clients who never signed the terms and conditions on my client agreement?

How can I update my agreement text and then have my clients re-acknowledge their agreement to my new terms and conditions?

What is the eCenter Updates menu selection?

How do I track Web site traffic and statistics for eCenter Direct using Google Tag (GA4)/Facebook Pixel?

How much HTML do I need to know to create a great eCenter site?

How do I post documents to eCenter Direct and link to them in my email blasts?

How can I allow my clients to upload documents from eCenter Direct to their respective client record in Neoserra?

How do I add Useful Links to eCenter Direct and/or Neoserra?

How do I customize the email message templates generated by Neoserra and eCenter Direct?

Yikes, why are my training event confirmation email messages formatted so strangely??

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a Authorize.Net merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a Cashnet merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a Converge merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a NelNet merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a PayPal merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a Square merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a TouchNet T-Link merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment to a TouchNet UPay merchant account?

How do I set up eCenter Direct event payment with my merchant account?

When does an attendee's registration status on a training event change from "Payment Due" to "Registered"?


Administrator Functions and System Configuration

What is administrator-mode and how do I enter administrator-mode?

What are the Neoserra general settings that govern my entire database?

What are the United States SBA/DoD Settings for under the Administration|Configuration menu option?

How can I use the Email Operations Center to see all email bounce-backs?

What triggers an email message to appear as spam and what can I do to avoid it?

Is Neoserra capable of sending DMARC compliant email, and how do I set up domain authentication: DKIM and SPF?

Why are my Neoserra emailes going out with an email address that looks like "

When I send email from Neoserra, how can I have Neoserra authenticate on my behalf?

How can I schedule automated tasks such as automatic inactivation of clients or automatic reminder of scheduled appointment?

Can I change some of the terminology in Neoserra such as "counselors" or "professional development"?

What are the Data Maintenance checks that Neoserra automatically performs?

How does ZIP Code mapping work for Distressed Areas?

How do I make a built-in field mandatory? Or inactive?

Can I add my own user-defined fields into the database?

How do I create a new standard custom form?

How do I create a new custom form and turn it into a project?

How do I pin a survey and/or user-defined custom form to my client records?

How do I add, edit, or inactivate milestone types?

How does Nexus measure business start and what is a business start impact?

How do I create and upload my SBA data exports to Nexus?

What field changes will trigger an update to Nexus?

What does the Audit pane tell me?

How do I add, edit, or inactivate capital funding types?

Can our program customize the defaults of the drop down pick lists?

How do I "lock" previously reported data to ensure database and reporting integrity?

How do I create a notice on my login page?

How can I edit, add or search my Neoserra Knowledge Base?

How do I add/delete links under the Help menu in Neoserra?

How do I batch update several clients or sessions all at the same time?

How do I inactivate (close-out) multiple clients all at the same time?

How do I generate the P3, P5, P6 and P7 tabs of the APEX Accelerator FY23 Quarterly Report Template?

What is the APEX Accelerator Metrics Log?

How do I create and upload my SBA data exports to the Community Navigator system called COMNAVS?

How does Neoserra export system-defined and user-defined data to Nexus?

How is the contact veteran status/military status information uploaded to Nexus?

How is the Business Ownership Gender information uploaded to NEXUS?


Data Integration

How to use the Export Module in Neoserra?

How can I export data from my Neoserra database to another third-party application?

How to import records using the Neoserra RESTful JSON API module

How can I import client data into the Neoserra database?

Can OutreachSystems automatically import awards data from FPDS and/or GovSpend?

How do I use the monthly Awards Rollup Report?


User Accounts & Permissions

How do I create user and group accounts?

What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and how does it work in Neoserra?

What is Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and how does it work in eCenter Direct?

What is the Security Panel, and what are locked and abandoned Neoserra user accounts?

How do user account permissions impact my ability to access Neoserra?

How do I change my user password, and what if I forgot my password?

How to choose a good (strong) password?

How do I inactivate a counselor and transfer that counselors' clients to a different counselor?

How can I reassign scheduled reports, automated tasks and/or data exports from one user to another?

How can I use the Status page to see the users who are logged and the distribution of documents stored in Neoserra?

Is my Neoserra database secure?


Bid Match Program

How do I find all clients that are currently active on the Bid Match Program?

How do I find all clients who have not been reading their bid matches and inactivate their search profiles?

How do I create a new bid match search profile?

Can you explain the Boolean logic used in the bid match search profiles?

How do I edit an existing search profile or change the email address that the bid matches are delivered to?

What is the bid match email address and how can I update it?

What is a Global file that is referenced in all my clients' search profiles?

How do I inactivate, forward or test a client's Bid Match search profile?

How can I access my client's page?

How do I use the page?

What makes a good search profile?

How do the "restrict not" and "ignore" search statements differ?

What is the OutreachSystems Bid Match Services and why did I get this match?

When to use set-aside terminology in a bid match search profile?

What bid notices are included in the USABID database and why do clients have to pay for some bid packages (such as BidNet)?

Can you explain the daily OutreachSystems Search email and explain the bid match statistic headings, such as procure, award, FTO, small, etc.?

How do I use BidCenter?


General Information

What is OutreachSystems' Technical and Customer Service Policy?

How much HTML do I need to know to create a great eCenter site?

Are Neoserra and eCenter Direct ADA 508 compliant?