CRM Software for Economic Development Organizations
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How does Neoserra track HUD and HHS poverty levels based upon household income?

Neoserra offers a number of fields on the contact record to help track a client's poverty level based upon either the HHS or HUD poverty guidelines. In particular:

  • Household Size
  • Household Income
  • Household Income Date

Both the Household Size field and the Household Income field will need to be completed in order for Neoserra to lookup against the HHS and HUD tables:

  • HHS: and
  • HUD:
  • Furthermore, since both of these tables require a geographic lookup, the address information for the record must be completed. In the absence of a valid street address, Neoserra will not be able to determine the appropriate settings.

    The HHS and HUD fields are not shown on the edit screen, but as soon as you save your changes, then you will notice the updated information on the read-only screen:

    If one or both fields are not completed then the lookup against the tables won't be possible. In other words, both fields are mandatory for the lookup to occur. While the Household Income Date is not mandatory, this information may help you to determine how old the information is that is included on the contact record.

    By default, the household fields are inactive and will not be displayed on your contact record, database administrators can activate these fields at their discretion.

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