CRM Software for Economic Development Organizations
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How do I satisfy the ASBDC National Impact Survey Requirements (formerly called the Chrisman Survey)?

OutreachSystems has programmed the reporting requirements for the SBA National Impact Survey right into Neoserra. The various reports are all available under the Manage|SBA National Impact Survey assuming your Neoserra database has at least one center marked with a Center Type of "SBDC":

The Neoserra SBA National Impact Survey module will use the same funding sources and centers as identified under your SBA/DoD Settings available from the Administration|Configuration menu option. These funding sources and centers are the same funding sources and centers also used for your SBA exports. If you want to survey clients with different funding sources and/or from different centers than what is submitted to SBA, then you will need to update your settings or the SBA/DoD panel under the Administration|Configuration menu option. While you are on the SBA/DoD panel, you should also review the signatory name and title that will be added to each record exported. The name entered does not have to be the State/Regional Director, it could also be the Associate Director, or perhaps your Training Coordinator or anyone else appropriate within your organization. However, you should be aware that the same name will be used for all surveys.

Dr. Vardaman has taken over for Dr. Chrisman and with your approval, OutreachSystems will provide him with a copy of your client data based upon the following activity for a particular calendar year (NOT fiscal year):

Dr. Vardaman will distribute the national survey on behalf of all participating SBDCs. Each year, it is vital that you give your approval to OutreachSystems in writing in a timely manner so that your clients may be included in the national survey. In the absence of your written approval, the data for your program will not be included in the OutreachSystems file provided to Dr. Vardaman. In the absence of your approval you can choose to provide the file yourself to Dr. Vardaman. The CSV file can be generatd from the Manage|SBA National Impact Study page in the upper right hand panel.

Data Exported

The actual data included in the file to Dr. Vardaman includes:

  • Client ID
  • State
    • Since some states have multiple SBDC programs, the following numeric representation is used to distinguish the different programs:
      SBDC Program Numeric Representation
      Alabama 1
      Alaska 2
      Arizona 3
      Arkansas 4
      California - Merced 511
      California - Los Angeles 533
      California - San Diego 544
      California - Norcal 555
      California - Orange County. (Fullerton) 566
      Colorado 6
      Connecticut 7
      Delaware 8
      District of Columbia 9
      Florida 10
      Georgia 11
      Hawaii 12
      Idaho 13
      Illinois 14
      Indiana 15
      Iowa 16
      Kansas 17
      Kentucky 18
      Louisiana 19
      Maine 20
      Maryland 21
      Massachusetts 22
      Michigan 23
      Minnesota 24
      Mississippi 25
      Missouri 26
      Montana 27
      Nebraska 28
      Nevada 29
      New Hampshire 30
      New Jersey 31
      New Mexico 32
      New York 33
      North Carolina 34
      North Dakota 35
      Ohio 36
      Oklahoma 37
      Oregon 38
      Pacific Islands 57
      Pennsylvania 39
      Puerto Rico 40
      Rhode Island 41
      South Carolina 42
      South Dakota 43
      Tennessee 44
      Texas - Dallas 45
      Texas - Houston 46
      Texas - Lubbock 47
      Texas - San Antonio 48
      Utah 49
      Vermont 50
      Virgin Islands 51
      Virginia 52
      Washington 53
      West Virginia 54
      Wisconsin 55
      Wyoming 56
      Guam (Pacific Islands) 57
      American Samoa 58
    • Center Name
    • Counselor Name
    • Primary Contact
    • Company Name
    • Email
      • This will be the email address of the primary point of contact for the company.
    • Email_Sub
      • Email_Sub indicates a primary contact's email subscription preference: 1 = opt-in, 0 = opt-out. Per Dr. Vardaman: "I will not contact the opt-out clients. However, it will harm the economic impact calculations for each state if [clients who have opted-out] are not included in the initial datafile."
    • Owner Gender
    • Owner Race
    • Owner Ethnicity
    • Business Type
      • Business type is broken out as follows: 1= retail, 2= service, 3= wholesale, 4= manufacturing, 5= construction, 6= other.
    • Business Status in YYYY
      • Business status is broken out as follows: 0= not in business, 1= started business post-counseling, 2= was already established business at start of counseling
    • Hours Counseled in YYYY
    • Business Status in YYYY+1
      • Business status is broken out as follows: 0= not in business, 1= started business post-counseling, 2= was already established business at start of counseling
    • Hours Counseled in YYYY+1
    • Program's Signatory Name
      • As found on the Administration|Configuration|United States (SBA/DoD) page
    • Program's Signatory Title
      • As found on the Administration|Configuration|United States (SBA/DoD) page

It is important to note that:

  • The file includes all clients serviced in CY YYYY - not just long term clients.
  • A serviced client is any client with a reportable initial and/or follow-up session during the CY that included any time at all (sessions without either prep or contact time are ignored.)
  • Clients are included regardless of whether they have opted out of receiving correspondence from your program.
  • Hours Counseled is the aggregate of all prep and contact time with the client for the CY.

Generate Numbers for Demographic Data Forms #1, #2, and #3

Demographic Data Form #1

While Dr. Vardaman distributes the survey, it is your responsibility to generate data for the Demographic Data Form #1. Open Neoserra's SBA National Impact Survey Reports module under the Manage menu option. For Demographic Data Form #1, you can either use the link titled: "All clients with 5+ hours of counseling" (shown in orange below) or alternatively "All clients with counseling" (shown in blue). The most recent instructions dated September 28, 2020 ask to: "include the total number of PV & EX clients on Form 1 (as in long-term AND short-term)." You will need to decide if you want to report the 5+ hour clients or all clients with activity.

Click on the link to open the client filter. With the clients on the screen click the "Reports" link in the upper right hand corner of the interface, and choose Reports|SBA National Impact Study Demographic Data":

Demographic Data Form #2

Form #2 is not generated by OutreachSystems.

Demographic Data Form #3

Neoserra can only provide you data for line items 1a and 1b on the Demographic Data Report #3. Line item 1b can be obtained from the Demographic Data Form #1 as generated from Neoserra, while line item 1a can be obtained from the Total Client Hours line item on the Economic Impact Scorecard.

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