How does the Merge feature work with counselor records?
In this FAQ we will discuss:
How does the Merge feature work?
In Neoserra, you may be able to merge two duplicate counselor records using the merge feature. The merge feature is offered within the Possible Duplicates panel on the right hand side of the counselor record:
You can merge the records using the "Merge" command in the "Possible Duplicates" panel. To merge two counselor records you will need the following permissions:
- Edit (including edit center) permissions to both records, PLUS
- Delete permissions to both records
Furthermore, when merging counselors, the "victim" counselor record should NOT have a user account.
How to identify the survivor and the victim?
When merging records, there is always a survivor record and a victim record. The survivor record, by default, is always the one from which you initiate the merge feature. It is this record's internal ID that is preserved in the system and it is this record's user account that is retained. The victim record's information is merged into the survivor record. Upon completion of the merge, the victim record will have been permanently deleted, which means that the user account associated with the victim record will become orphaned.
Assuming you have the appropriate permissions and you are on the survivor record, then you can click on the Merge link in the "Possible Duplicates" pane, as shown in the following graphic:
As part of the merge process, the victim record will be permanently deleted but all of their activity records will be merged with the survivor's activity records. Furthermore, when you click "Merge" you will be prompted which data elements you want to keep in the survivor record. For example, the victim record may have a more current phone number and address that you want to keep; but the survivor record may include more details about the client that you want to keep. For each data element where the two records differ you can decided which value you want to keep:
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