What are Crosstabs and how can I use them to run reports by counselor, county, congressional districts, etc.?
A Crosstab (short for cross-tabulation) is a table used in statistics to display the relationship between two or more categorical variables.
With Crosstabs, you can examine your data in a variety of ways to achieve a deeper understanding of your economic metrics across different breakdowns. Analyzing large datasets can be difficult and exporting data to a visualization tool can be cumbersome and costly which is why Neoserra offers Crosstabs.
Crosstabs simplify and divide data for ease of interpretation, but it is important to realize that the Neoserra Crosstabs do not provide detail data. The data is presented in a summary format and the individual data cells do not offer drill down functionality.
To create a new cross tab go to Manage|Scorecards and select the "Crosstabs" menu option and select "New".
You can provide a name to your crosstab and select one of the following breakdown options:
- Centers
- Counselors
- County
- Company Ownership Gender *
- Company Veteran Status *
- Disadvantage Status *
- Federal Congressional District
- HUBZone *
- Physical Address State
- Primary Contact Hispanic Origin *
- Primary Contact Race *
- Primary Contact Veteran Status *
- State Representative District
- State Senate District
* The Training metrics (Training Attendees, Training Events, Training Hours) are not available for some of the row breakdown selections because the training event records do not include this information. It is important to realize that the metrics are broken down based upon the data on the record type referenced below. In other words, a cross tab with a county breakdown and training event metrics, will look at the county location of the event record, not at the county location of the attendees.
Click "Save" to save your settings and next you will select the metrics that you want to include in your cross tab:
Click "Save" to see your cross tab:
You will notice the metrics across the banner left to right, and the rows include all the data found in the database. If a congressional district or county it missing, then that means that no metrics were found in that particular district/county/etc. At the top of the screen you can edit the parameters and change the date and/or centers to be included in your crosstab.
The metrics available are listed below with their corresponding logic. It is important to realize that the logic for the cross tabs may be different from your scorecard. For example, "Reportable Business Start Impact" line item on the "Economic Impact/Capital Infusion" scorecard also requires the client to have a counseling session during the period. Within the cross tab functionality, Neoserra is merely counting the total number of records with a RBSI date during the reporting period, it is not looking at counseling activity. Same would be true for GIB/DIB clients. Thus, it is important to review the logic below to see how Neoserra calculates each metric.
Counseling Session Metric Selections | Logic |
Counseling Sessions | A count of all reportable initial/follow-up counseling sessions where the session date falls in the reporting period |
Contact Time | The sum of all Contact Time in reportable initial/follow-up counseling sessions where the session date falls in the reporting period. In the case of counseling sessions with multiple counselors, the contact time will be reported for each counselor when the Counselors Row Breakdown is selected. |
Prep Time | The sum of all Prep Time in reportable initial/follow-up counseling sessions where the session date falls in the reporting period |
Travel Time | The sum of all Travel Time in reportable initial/follow-up counseling sessions where the session date falls in the reporting period |
Admin Time | The sum of all Contact+Prep+Travel Time in all administrative counseling sessions where the session date falls in the reporting period including all reportable and non-reportable sessions |
Training Metric Selections | |
Training Events | A count of all reportable training event records (whether open or closed) where the reportable date falls in the reporting period. If the row breakdown is by counselor then all listed instructors will get credit for the event. |
Training Attendees | A count of all attended attendees within the reportable training event records (whether open or closed) where the reportable date falls in the reporting period. If the row breakdown is by counselor then all instructors will get credit for the event. |
Training Time | The sum of all Training Time in reportable training event records where the reportable date falls in the cross tab reporting date range. If the row breakdown is by counselor then all listed instructors will get credit for the event. |
Training Prep | The sum of all Time in reportable professional development records where the Type field is set to the system-defined choice of "Training Preparation" where the date falls in the cross tab reporting date range |
Business Start Metric Selection | |
Business Starts | A count of all active or inactive clients where the Reportable Business Start Impact date on the client record falls within the cross tab reporting period. This metric does not take into account whether the client was counseled during the period, or not |
Business Established | All reporable milestone records where the Milestone Type field is set to the system-defined choice of "Business Established" and where the date of the milestone falls in the cross tab reporting date range. Keep in mind that this metric counts ALL clients with an established date during the period, regardless of whether that client was already in business when they started with your program, or not |
Capital Funding Metric Selections | |
All Funding Approved Amount | The amount of all reportable, approved capital funding records with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
All Funding Approved | Count of all reportable, approved capital funding records with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
All Funding In-Process Amount | The amount of all reportable, in-progress capital funding records with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
All Funding In-Process | Count of all reportable, in-progress capital funding records with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Loans Approved Amount | The amount of all reportable, approved capital funding records where the Capital Funding Type is a choice that is defined as a loan (SBA or non-SBA) with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Loans Approved | Count of all reportable, approved capital funding records where the Capital Funding Type is a choice that is defined as a loan (SBA or non-SBA) with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Grants Approved Amount | The amount of all reportable, approved capital funding records where the Capital Funding Type is a choice that is defined as a grant with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Grants Approved | Count of all reportable, approved capital funding records where the Capital Funding Type is a choice that is defined as a grant with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Equity Approved Amount | The amount of all reportable, approved capital funding records where the Capital Funding Type is a choice that is defined neither as a loan nor as a grant with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Equity Approved | Count of all reportable, approved capital funding records where the Capital Funding Type is a choice that is defined neither as a loan nor as a grant with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Jobs Metric Selections | |
Jobs Created (All) | All reportable milestone records where the Milestone Type field is set to the system-defined choice of "Change in Full-Time Staff" or "Change in Part-Time Staff" and where the date of the milestone falls in the cross tab reporting date range |
Jobs Created (FT) | All reportable milestone records where the Milestone Type field is set to the system-defined choice of "Change in Full-Time Staff" and where the date of the milestone falls in the cross tab reporting date range |
Jobs Created (PT) | All reportable milestone records where the Milestone Type field is set to the system-defined choice of "Change in Part-Time Staff" and where the date of the milestone falls in the cross tab reporting date range |
Contract Award Metric Selections | |
All Award Amounts | The amount of all reportable contract award records with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
All Awards | The sum of all contract awards reported in the "Number of Contract Awards" field on all reportable contract award records with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
SBIR/STTR Awards Amount | The amount of all reportable contract award records where the Contract Type is set to the system-defined choices of either SBIR or STTR with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
SBIR/STTR Awards | The sum of all contract awards reported in the "Number of Contract Awards" field on all reportable contract award records where the Contract Type is set to the system-defined choices of either SBIR or STTR with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Prime Contracts Amount | The amount of all reportable contract award records where the Contract Type is set to the system-defined choice of Prime Contract Award with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Prime Contracts | The sum of all contract awards reported in the "Number of Contract Awards" field on all reportable contract award records where the Contract Type is set to the system-defined choice of Prime Contract Award with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Sub-Contracts Amount | The amount of all reportable contract award records where the Contract Type is set to the system-defined choice of Sub-Contract Award with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Sub-Contracts | The sum of all contract awards reported in the "Number of Contract Awards" field on all reportable contract award records where the Contract Type is set to the system-defined choice of Sub-Contract Award with a reporting date that falls in the cross tab reporting data range |
Contract Readiness Metric Selections | |
GIB-F | A count of all active or inactive clients where the GIB-F Readiness date on the client record falls within the cross tab reporting period, this metric does not take counseling activity into account (only offered in databases with APEX Centers) |
GIB-SL | A count of all active or inactive clients where the GIB-SL Readiness date on the client record falls within the cross tab reporting period, this metric does not take counseling activity into account (only offered in databases with APEX Centers) |
DIB | A count of all active or inactive clients where the DIB Readiness date on the client record falls within the cross tab reporting period, this metric does not take counseling activity into account (only offered in databases with APEX Centers) |
Cases Metric Selections | |
Open Cases | A count of all active clients with a start date on the client record that falls within the cross tab reporting period |
Closed Cases | A count of all inactive clients with an activation/inactivation date on the client record that falls within the cross tab reporting period |
Professional Development Metric Selections | |
Professional Development Hours | All Professional Development Hours where the Type on the Professional Development record is set to either Certification or Continuing Education and where the date falls within the cross tab reporting period |
Note: The Neoserra cross tabs look at all data, whether attributed or not.
You can also export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the icon:
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