CRM Software for Economic Development Organizations
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What field changes will trigger an update to Nexus?

In order for Neoserra and Nexus to remain in sync, Neoserra will need to send an update or delete record to Nexus when a signficant change has been made to a record in the Neoserra database, that was previously uploaded to Nexus. However, since Nexus does not get all data, not every change in Neoserra necessarily triggers an update. For example, your counseling session notes are never exported to Nexus, thus, when you edit your notes and make changes, this will not necessarily create an update transaction to Nexus. Nor will a change in company name or contact name. Of course, when you change a counseling session that was previously exported to Nexus and accepted by Nexus, from 10 minutes to 10 hours, this will trigger an update.

In this FAQ, we will provide a list of fields that are tracked by Neoserra once the initial record has been exported AND accepted by Nexus. It is important to note that Neoserra will ONLY track changes to your records if that record is marked as having been accepted by Nexus. If a record has never been exported to Nexus, or if it was exported but not accepted, then Neoserra will not track any changes to the record. Furthermore, Neoserra only tracks individual form edits and merges, it does not track batch updates.

For this reason it is critically important that you import the Nexus Validation Report into Neoserra to let Neoserra know which records need to be monitored for updates/deletions. If a record is exported to Nexus and it has been accepted, but you did not import the Validation Report, then Neoserra will not track changes to that record. The last step of the Nexus upload process is truly critically important to ensure synchronization between the two systems.

Client record updates

As noted above, Neoserra does not update Nexus with every small change made to the client record. For example, if you edit the client's product description, this will not trigger an update record to Nexus. However, when a client record changes from pre-venture to in-business, this will trigger an update to Nexus, assuming that the record was previously accepted by Nexus.

The fields that are tracked my Neoserra for updates include:

  • Business Type
  • Center
  • Country
  • Export Employees
  • Date Company Established
  • Export countries
  • Full-time employees
  • Gross Revenue
  • Gross Exported-Related Revenue
  • Business Start Impact Date
  • International Trade
  • Part-time employees
  • Physical City
  • Physical State
  • Physical Zip
  • Verified to be in business?

Contact record updates

As noted above, if a contact record has been accepted by Nexus, then Neoserra will track significant changes made to the record, which is then exported to Nexus an update session. The tracking of updates starts once the record has been marked as being accepted, which happens as soon as the Validation Report has been imported.

  • Disabled
  • Gender
  • Hispanic
  • Military Branch
  • Race
  • Reservist
  • Veteran

Counseling session updates

Counseling sessions that have previously been exported to Nexus and have been accepted by Nexus, will be tracked by Neoserra if/when one of the following significant changes are made to the session record:

  • Center
  • Contact time
  • Contact type
  • Session date
  • Funding source *
  • Is reportable *
  • Prep time
  • Area of Assistance
  • Sub-funding source
  • Travel time

When a change is made to any of these fields, then Neoserra will create an update record and automatically include it in your next export file.

* In the case of a change to the "Funding Source" field or the "Is Reportable" field, this change could technically cause a deletion record to be created. For example, if a session was previouly marked as being reportable, but it is changed to non-reportable, then Neoserra will send a delete record rather than an update. Similarly, if a session was changed from an SBA funding source to a non-SBA funding source, then this also will trigger a delete record, rather than an update.

Capital funding session updates

Neoserra tracks changes to the following fields on the capital funding sessions that are marked as having been accepted by Nexus:

  • Amount approved
  • Center
  • Client
  • Funding source *
  • Funding type
  • Is reportable *
  • Reporting date
  • Sub-funding source
  • Status

* In the case of a change to the "Funding Source" field or a change to the "Is Reportable" field, this change would cause a deletion record to be created, rather than an update. For example, if a session was previouly marked as being reportable, but it is changed to non-reportable, then Neoserra will send a delete record. Similarly, if a session was changed from SBA funding source to a non-SBA funding source, then this also will trigger a delete record, rather than an update.

Training event updates

Neoserra also tracks significant changes made to the training event record once it is marked as having been accepted by Nexus. Any change to one of the following fields will trigger an update session:

  • Center
  • Reporting date
  • Format
  • Funding source *
  • Gross income
  • Is reportable *
  • Location ZIP code
  • Number of sessions
  • Primary topic
  • Resource Partners
  • Sub-funding source
  • Start date
  • Total hours
  • Total attendees
  • Total noshow
  • Title

Once again, it is vitally important to understand that Neoserra does not track changes made to records that are not marked as having been accepted by Nexus. Thus, failure to upload the Validation Report as part of the quarterly process, means that your Neoserra data and Nexus data are no longer synchronized.

* In the case of a change to the "Funding Source" field, or the "Is Reportable" field, this change could trigger a deletion record to be created, rather than an update. For example, if a session was previouly marked as being reportable, but it is changed to non-reportable, then Neoserra will send a delete record to Nexus. Similarly, if a session was changed from SBA funding source to a non-SBA funding source, then this also will trigger a delete record, rather than an update.


Besides potentially sending a delete record to Nexus when either the "Is Reportable" or "Funding Source" fields are changed, Neoserra will also send a delete transaction to Nexus if an individual client; counseling session; capital funding session or training event has been truly deleted from Neoserra. It is important to note that Neoserra does NOT track batch deletions that are either performed "under the hood" on your behalf by an OutreachSystems representative, nor does Neoserra track batch updates that essentially would cause a batch delete. For example, if you batch update 100 sessions from SBA funding source to XYZ funding source, and XYZ funding source should not be exported to Nexus, then Neoserra will not create 100 delete transactions. It will be your responsibility to notify the Nexus team if you have a large batch of changes that you need to make.

Last, but certainly not least, deleting a client in Neoserra requires a two-step process. Neoserra will not send the delete transaction to Nexus UNTIL the client record has been truly deleted from Neoserra by the database administrator. Because a client marked for deletion could technically be restored, Neoserra will not send the deletion until the client has been deleted completely from the system.

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