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Are Neoserra and eCenter Direct available in any other languages, such as Spanish?

Yes! Both Neoserra and eCenter Direct are available in both English and Spanish. Your Neoserra database has been configured with a default language. This language choice is made by the Neoserra administrator under the Administration|Configuration|General Settings menu option. In this FAQ we will discuss how you can change your preferred language setting in Neoserra and how you can enable multi-lingual support on eCenter Direct.

How do I change my preferred language in Neoserra?

You can change your language preference as part of your Personal Preferences in Neoserra. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the Neoserra interface and you will see see the following two options:

Click on "Preferences" and then scroll down to the "Display" section. Here you will see the "Language" drop down:

Changing your language preference means that the Neoserra interface will be presented in the language of your choice. Keep in mind, that all of your comments and notes will continue to appear in the language in which they were typed in.

How do I enable multi-lingual support on eCenter Direct?

To allow for multi-ligual support on eCenter Direct you will need to change the interface language under the Administration|Configuration|Languages menu option:

Once you click on "Languages" you get the following interface:

As highlighted in orange above, you can toggle between your primary language only or bi-lingual support. Below the language toggle you will see the "Language Customization Checker". This interface lets you know if there is a section on eCenter Direct that you have customized in one language but have not customized in the other language. The assumption being, that if you allow for a bi-lingual experience on eCenter Direct, then you will want to make sure that the same information is conveyed to your users in both languages. As hightlighted in green, you will see some sections on eCenter that have been customized in English, but not in Spanish.

Each language has their own set of language templates:

You will need to update the text, as appropriate for your operations as discussed in the FAQ titled: How do I customize the text on eCenter Direct?. Furthermore, you may also want to update the email templates used by each language.

It is important to note that if a client on eCenter Direct selects one language or another, then also all emails sent to that client (and to that client's counselor) will be sent in the same language. In other words, if client X selects "Spanish" as their perferred language on eCenter Direct, then the email messages generated by eCenter Direct to that client and that client's counselor will also be sent in Spanish.

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